Tag Archives: Iron Man


I have always been a Comic Book Fan because of my Dad. I remembered back then I would watch old series of X-Men with him and there is more. I was greatly influenced by him with Comic Books and a matter of fact, I have his old copies when he was still a “kid”(he still watch cartoons until now)haha. But anyhow, Via gay.com, I was able to see a first look of Chris Evans as Captain America. They should have gotten Channing Tatum. He looks more military and Chris Evans is the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four but either way, he is ok. I love how his costume looks like. It is more updated.

But what I’m really excited is for the AVENGERS MOVIE!! FYI, the Avengers is this group of heroes consisting of Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. Slowly by slowly, it is leading to that movie. If you watch all of their movies and right after the credits, they will give you a little teaser of what is coming. That is why you should stay.
I just sounded like a comic book geek there for awhile but who cares. I’m proud to be one. laugh.



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